YAGO2, the second version of YAGO, was released in 2011. YAGO2 introduces geospatial and temporal information to the YAGO knowledge graphby introducing geoentities. Geopatial information in YAGO2 comes not only from Wikipedia but also from the gazeteer GeoNames. The geospatial information in YAGO2 is represented with the properties hasLongitude and hasLatitude which give the longitude and latitude of the center of a geoentity.
Temporal information is introduced in YAGO2 to entities of type people, groups, artifacts or events. Temporal information is represented using dates. Dates in YAGO2 follow the ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) and represent time points. If we want to model intervals e.g., the lifetime of an entity such as a person, we can use pairs of properties e.g., wasBornOnDate and diedOnDate which connect an entity with a date.